Modern Day Nazi

Peter Cvjetanovic
Students have a right to hold their own views, the London School of Economics (LSE) has said, after it emerged that a participant in the infamous "Unite the Right" white supremacist rally reportedly enrolled on one of its courses.

Peter Cvjetanovic's was filmed as he shouted and held a flaming torch at the event in Charlottesville in 2017 as street brawls erupted between white nationalists and counter-protesters.

Heather Heyer, 32, was killed when a car drove through a crowd of counter-protesters. James Alex Fields Jr has been convicted of her murder.

Mr Cvjetanovic, a 20-year-old former University of Nevada student is thought to have gained a place to study a master's in political theory at LSE. Details on a Twitter account in his name appear to confirm this.

LSE said in statement that it did not comment on individual students or on complaints relating to students.

"Students and staff are free to hold and express their own views, however, we expect everyone within the LSE community to treat each other with respect at all times. Graduate selections are made on the basis of the strength of an individual's application, with an experienced selector assessing each application, including personal statement and references, alongside agreed criteria set by the department."

In interviews with the Reno Gazette Journal and Channel 2 News in August 2017, days after the Charlottesville rally took place, Mr Cvjetanovic described himself as a "white nationalist".

However, he later appeared to backtrack on this claim when he told another interviewer that he no longer identified with the label and calling himself such was his "biggest mistake".

That's what all the Germans who supported and cheered on Hitler said after WWII.

Well, a tiger can't change its stripes. You showed the world what you really are.

Sorry Peter, you don't get a do over.